Judge James Dennis’ Portrait Unveiling

Jack M. Weiss, Chancellor and Professor of Law, LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center; Portrait of Judge James L. Dennis; Judge James L. Dennis, U.S. Court of Appeals Judge for the Fifth Circuit.
Judge James L. Dennis Portrait Unveiling Ceremony on October 21, 2013 followed The Supreme Court of Louisiana Historical Society’s annual meeting wherein Judge James L. Dennis’s portrait was given to the Supreme Court Portrait Collection by his family. SCLHS President Donna D. Fraiche began the ceremony by inviting Judge Dennis’s entire family to surround the portrait for a photo of the unveiling.
Accepting the portrait on behalf of the Court, Chief Justice Bernette Joshua Johnson remarked on Justice Dennis’s education, remarkable contributions as a justice on the Court, and distinguished service on the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. She called upon Retired Chief Justice Pascal F. Calogero, Jr., who attested to Judge Dennis’s academic discipline, stating that his superior intellect, vigorous dedication, and unwavering commitment to defending the law were indispensable and that he deserved every accolade for his kindness and selfless efforts on the Louisiana Supreme Court, as well as on the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, where he was appointed in 1995 by President Clinton. Judge Eldon E. Fallon followed with a continuum of praise and honor for Judge Dennis as he recollected his numerous accomplishments and noteworthy cases.
Judge Dennis expressed sincere gratitude to everyone who shared the moment with him, especially his family. He said it was his privilege to serve and he thanked his many colleagues for their assistance along the way, for their kind words, and for a very moving tribute. A reception followed in the Supreme Court Museum.