Law Day 2012: “Father Chief Justice”
A preview of the play “Father Chief Justice,” written by The Supreme Court of Louisiana Historical Society Board Member and Treasurer and George M. Armstrong, Jr. Professor of Law Paul R. Baier, was presented on Law Day, May 1, 2012 to the Louisiana Association of Museums at its annual meeting at the Rural Life Museum.
The setting of “Father Chief Justice:” the portrait, the E.D. White Home, the robes, the daisies, the bench roses, the candle, Professor Jesse’s desk.
Professor Jesse, played by SCLHS Board Secretary and LSU Law Professor Paul R. Baier, playing the part of the sculptor Bryan Baker.
Professor Jesse, played by SCLHS Board Secretary and LSU Law Professor Paul R. Baier; and SCLHS Executive Director and Louisiana Supreme Court Law Library Director Georgia Chadwick.